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From financial markets and politics to business and social issues, Dan Ferris and our Stansberry Analysts offer candid discussion on today’s most important headlines. Each week you’ll hear exclusive interviews with guest investment experts, authors, and top thinkers such as Jim Rogers, Kevin O’Leary, Glenn Beck, PJ O’Rourke, and Jim Grant.

Jan 14, 2021

Every year, the top resolution for millions of Americans is to lose weight and get in better shape.

But the numbers show this is far easier said than done.

So this week, instead of focusing on your wealth, we're taking a look at your health as Dan brings fitness guru and internet sensation, P.D. Mangan, onto the show.

P.D. shares the story of how at age 50, he was frail, feeling terrible, and in general poor health. But today at age 65, he's in better shape than most 20-year olds.

P.D. shares the shockingly simple way he did it – without the help of dozens of supplements or steroids – and without spending endless hours in the gym. P.D. is unique in that his advice typically goes against what many traditional health experts have been saying for decades.

Today, he helps teach folks of all ages how to eat right, get stronger, live longer and win with science-based health and fitness.

Listen to his discussion with Dan and more on this week's episode.

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