Apr 25, 2019
On a week where the S&P 500 and Nasdaq closed at an all-time high, Extreme Value Editor Dan Ferris breaks down what it means for investors, and what’s next. Our special guest Ben Hunt offers all kinds of insights on a market that may be entering a new, treacherous stage.
Apr 18, 2019
Extreme Value editor Dan Ferris chats about the “Amazon of Africa,” IPO, the death of retail, and Apple & Qualcomm’s fight. Former hedge fund manager and founder of Empire Financial Research, Whitney Tilson, stops by to explain why he thinks Tesla is the most dangerous stock in America.
Apr 11, 2019
Extreme Value Editor Dan Ferris discusses which company’s IPO is gathering steam and Bank of America getting out in front of a minimum wage fight. Our special guest Brian Dalton stops by to talk about how to collect income from gold.
Apr 4, 2019
Extreme Value Editor Dan Ferris discusses a gold-backed cryptocurrency, which could answer the biggest valid criticism of all previous cryptos. It also taps into a market already bigger than every single cryptocurrency combined.